The experienced team at Movement First can help you treat most orthopedic surgeries including.
Hip and Knee Replacements
Spinal Surgery
Bone Fractures
Meniscal Repairs
Ligament Reconstruction ( Knee ACL, PCL, MCL, LCL, ankle ATFL, etc.. )
Rotator Cuff Repairs
Pre-op Physio Benefits
Every surgery is different, but the general rule of thumb is 6 weeks prior is a great choice for pre-operation physiotherapy. Prior to undergoing major surgery pre-hab is a incredible way to:
Improve strength and mobility to the greatest degree possible prior to surgery
Improve post-operative confidence in rehab expectations; get familiar with the process and your physio
Assist with decreasing physical and mental stresses and apprehension associated with surgery
Improve post-operative outcomes
Reduce post-operative recovery time
Post-op Physio Benefits
Get a comprehensive rehabilitation program that follows the protocols for your surgery and is uniquely tailored to you
Regain lost strength and mobility
Reduce post-operative pain and inflammation
Assist you in getting back into your regular routines, hobbies and/or sporting activities