
the movement first approach

Our treatments consist of a unique combination of hands-on treatment and movement

Movement First specializes in movement health, allowing you to get back doing the things you love without pain.

Book a free discovery call here!




Why you should choose us…

Our emphasis on active rehabilitation keeps you pain-free so you can keep doing the activities you love.

  • Extended 1-on-1 appointments. Just you and your practitioner for the entire appointment.

  • Emphasis on ACTIVE REHAB to help you get STRONGER and move BETTER so that you don’t need treatment in the future.

  • No band-aid solutions or passive modalities

  • Collaboration between a multi-disciplinary team of experts who work together to give you optimal results.

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Moving the body through everyday life.

Customized Treatment Plans.

We'll get to the source of your problem, so we can create a comprehensive treatment plan that will help you feel and move better in the long run.

Easy Payment Handling.

Our front-end team will take care of billing for you. We offer direct billing to most major Extended Health Benefit Companies.

Collaborative Approach.

We work with a multi-disciplinary team of experts who work together to give you optimal results, to take your health into your own hands

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meet your experts

Jason Dyck


Dr. Leah Sartison


Dr. Kyle Smart


Jessie Brown


Kelsey Hupka


Michelle Bibeau


Connor Louie-Poon


Cindy Freyne
